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Hirudotherapy-treated with leeches (Hirudo-Leech, treatment-treatment). (-130 years 200.) The rest of the ancient Greek manuscripts forerunner of this method should be considered as Nikandr Colophon. There should be no doubt that this method of treatment effectiveness, given the age. This is understandable in terms of modern Physiology and biochemistry-which effectively treated with mass transfer of diseases girudoterapija leeches, separated by a large number of articles.

on the basis of the therapeutic effect of a large number of biological active substances (BAS), inner balance (in the body of the biological processes) contributes to the normalization of the leech saliva girudoterapii.

In the last few years, in addition to the standard for treatment to the scientific studies, clinical medicine, confirmed in all areas of activity of girudoterapii as a method. Micro circulation disorder, disease, and tissue Ischemia, the chain of outbreak of pathological events hipoksisi interrupts-natural and other treatment methods Girudoterapii advantage leeches and technocratic saliva glands are the secret of the fact that the basic mechanisms of the disease primarily occurs in reverse is a process.

Any pathological process causes a disturbance in humans mikrosirkülasyon. This lack of oxygen (hypoxia). The increase in the lymph fluid interstitial lead to all of these processes in a recession and the reasons for the output from the circulation of the blood, potential customers, impairs the accumulation of swelling of the tissues, the cause of the increase in the (excessive liquid), the leader of the mechanical compression pressure vessels, respectively, interstitial blood.

The effect of the water increases the flow of the pathological focus (Pulling water) has a hydrophilic cell activity ' lack of oxygen products (cüruflar, toxins), accumulated, oxidation inhibited. This causes dropsy. Circle.

the physiology of this process is referred to as the "vicious cycle". A hirudin leeches that saliva . This biologically active substance substance-blood reolojik (streaming) properties. This leads to an increase in oxygen and pathological vascular blood flow to improve drainage, narrowed the focus of the diseased. The unoxidized -Oxidation is reduced to a percentage, toxins. "Vicious circle" is broken.

a focus on the mechanism of the body, the focus of the inflammation inflammatory process of obstacles, including measures aimed at eliminating the pathological. The focus of this inflammatory connective tissue by environmental tissue inflammatory process in the organism dedicated. "are often interested in these hotels as well as to and seals yayılmaması.

When the body is the connective tissue septum stihaniya is preserved. They are making it difficult for blood flow and lymph drainage, prevents the normal tissues. This inflammatory process consists of the illness, the sticky holonym occurs.

A hyaluronidaz leeches that saliva . This item-the item "cement" connective tissue is hyaluronic acid, moves. Loosen the bond of the normal blood flow and lymph drainage hyaluronidaz jumper helps to restore.

Just an antimicrobial action hirudotherapy and immunity (improves immune). not only because of the items in the active biological substances (active), leeches, but hidden in the biological Aeromonas hydrophila sp effect -. Symbiont, leeches live in the gut bacteria.

Depending on the severity of the patient and the issue for up to an hour and a half, While girudoterapii. determined case-by-case basis. It determines how much time should run itself in the leech is to accept.

  • treatment is usually within 7-10 sessions. Two-three sessions per week.
  • a procedure is applied to the quantity does not depend on the cost of the leeches.
  • in a session in the patient's infection (infection) ruled out the possibility of completely girudoterapii.
  • Leeches are used only once. leeches are destroyed after the session.
  • Therapeutic medical leeches private biofactories Taurus Mountains. When you purchase the certificate of conformity issued a document-specific.

80 percent of patients initially afraid to leech. But the first session runs after all the fears of the hosting itself, evaporates. even a sense of sympathy.

a mosquito bite, or NIP stinging nettle like C.Leech bite. (Biological-active points) reflex points through Leech bite, then used acupuncture points is only skin.

the blood should not stop yarasından. the pain may be extended up to 24 hours if the selection is treated as normal. This leaves very little in the lymph, Blood, for the most part. However, the loss of immunity of triggers and swelling.

homeopathy, phytotherapy, physiotherapy and other treatments, including: Hirudotherapy itself, together with good results.

Contraindications to girudoterapii  
Hemophilia, anemia, bleeding, hypotension (low blood pressure), pregnancy diatezi resistant and idiosyncrasy as serious.

girudoterapii indications

  • Rheumatology in Hirudotherapy:
    Joint disease: arthritis, arthritis, reactive arthritis, rheumatoid arthritis, microcrystalline psöriatik, soft tissue rheumatic diseases, arthritis, osteoarthritis periartiküler (ankylosing spondylitis) ankylosing. Rheumatism.


  • diseases of the circulatory system:
    Cardiac arrhythmia, hypertension, atherosclerosis, hypertension, hypertensive crises, herbal-vascular ischemic myocardial infarction, dystona, (coronary), cardiomyopathy, heart disease, pain, Cor pulmonale kâlp cardiosclerosis miyokardit, circulatory failure, neurocirculatory dystona, myocardial, pericarditis, congenital heart defects, defects, asthma, heart failure, heart, heart, vascular crises, angina (pectoris syndrome), endocarditis.


  • Solunum hastalıkları sistemi:
    Aspergilloz bronşiyolit, kronik bronşit, akciğer enfarktüsü, pulmoner kandidiyazis plörezi pnömokonyoz, pnömoni, pneumosclerosis, amfizem bronşit akut astım.


  • sindirim Hastalıkları system:
    Yetersiz beslenme, Ahil fonksiyonel, measured bauginit, gastrit gastrocardiac sendromu, hepatit hepatosis gepatolienalny sendromu, hiperbilirubinemi fonksiyonel, Temel hyperlipemia, hyper fonksiyonel measured, dysbiosis, sindirim sistemi diskinezi dispepsi duodenit, kabızlık, bağırsak lipodistrofi, kolit başarısızlık emilim sendromu, sindirim yetmezliği sendromu, kronik pankreatit, karaciğer yetmezliği sendromu, gıda alerjileri, diyare (ishal), portal hipertansiyon sendromu, postgepatitny sendromu, kronik kolesistit, karaciğer sirozu özofajit enterit, intestinal enteropati, borusu, ülser ülser, peptik yemek bağırsak semptomatik ülserler measured sees hastalığı duodenum.


  • Ürolojide Hirudotherapy:
    böbrek hidronefroz gromeluronefrit sendrom, böbrek içi iltihabı, piyelonefrit polikistik böbrek hastalığı, renal kolik böbrek taşı, böbrek yetmezliği, sistit, hepatorenal tsistalgiya sees Amiloidoz. Prostatit.


  • Surgery, Hirudotherapy:
    Prostate adenoma, Abscesses, atheroma, bronchiectasis, lower extremity aktinomikozis, aneurysm, varicocele varicose veins, and rectum, hemorrhoids, cord, Hydrocele, prolabe spermatik hydradenitis, Gynecomastia, dumping syndrome, pimples, cysts, kolelitiyazis fıtıklar, and fistula, ulcerative colitis, stomach ulcer and duodenal ulcer bleeding, bleeding, kriptorşidizm varicose veins, Mallory-Weiss, Crohn's disease, mastitis, Lymphangitis, lenfadenit, burn, the main arteries, megakolon, freezing, congestion (abdominal syndrome), renal artery stenosis mezenterik are tromboanjiitis obliterans, Raynaud's disease, orchiepididymitis dolama,, ulcer, chronic congestion, dolama, postcholecystectomical syndrome, prostatitis, wounds and rectum, anal fissure, phlebothrombosis, cellulite, furuncle, Hydrocele testis and fistulas, kolanjit spermatik kord, funiculitis, membranes and cord cyst, Hydrocele testis hypotrophy, caves, spermatik, priapism, fibroplasticheskaya hardening.


  • Endocrine and metabolic diseases:
    Diabetes insipidus, diabetes mellitus, diffuse toxic goiter, endemic goiter, dispituitarizm young, obesity, tireodity.


  • jinekolojide Hirudotherapy:
    (Coleitis), vulvitis, dysmenorrhea, vulva, ovarian cysts, vulvovajinit, menopause, menopause, dysfunctional uterine bleeding, neurosis, klauroz vulva, Leukoplakia vulvae adrenogenital syndrome, cervical, amenorrhoea, clomiphene cycle of itching, Leukoplakia, Bartolini, mastopathy, uterine fibroids, leucorrhoea, infertility, vaginitis, and uterine and vaginal wall, ooforit sarkması PMS (premenstrual syndrome), salpingitis, salpingo fibromastopatii, endometriosis, endometrit, endocervicitis sklerokistoznyh ovarian syndrome, erosion (cervical mucosal dysplasia) parameters. Endometriosis.


  • Nerve diseases:
    Araknoidit, amyotrophic lateral sclerosis, Hepatolentiküler disease, hydrocephalus, headache, dizziness, (tsefalgiya) syndrome, cerebral palsy, stroke Diensefalik (hypothalamic), myastenia gravis, spinal meningitis, neuralgia, migraine (hemikranya), myelitis, migrenöz, myelopati, congenital miyotoni (Thomsen's disease), trigeminal neuralgia, narcolepsy, Dystrophic, mononevropatii myotonica, facial nerve neuropathy, Parkinson 's, Charcot-Marie neyrorevmatizm shingles, hepatic encephalopathy, progressive muscular dystrophy, lumbar Radiculopathy pleksopatii, polinöropati, peroneal amyotrofi, spina bifida, spinal amyotrofi and siringomyeli (Spina bifida), tremor, myelosis, Korea, head injury, Adie syndrome funikulyarny, viral encephalitis, epilepsy.


  • Sexual disorders
    Alleged sexual disorders, sexual disorders (hyper), Penis and sevä ° åžme nörohumoral cycle disorders, disorders of the component, the component of the cycle, a particular female sexual Petting ejaculation disorders (frigidity, anorgazmi, vaginismus).


  • Hirudotherapy: in dermatology
    Aktinomikozis skin, hair loss, atopic dermatitis, Dermatitis, vitiligo, Ichthyosis, balanoposthitis, warts, genital warts, pyoderma, candidiasis, itching, a flat, red, pink mikrosporiya saçkıran pitiriazis Prurigo, acute of childhood (Prurigo, acute of childhood), psoriasis, rosacea, Seborrhea, Pemphigus, rubrofitiya herpes real drug reaction, trichophytosis, Acne Vulgaris (junior), shelled saçkıran (scabies), eczema, athlete, Erythrasma.


  • system, musculoskeletal system diseases:
    kontraktürü, joints, torticollis, osteomyelitis, Dupuytren, internal injuries, chest injuries, torn meniscus injuries of abdomen, SYNOVITIS, bending a finger injury kontraktürü burkulmalar, ankylosis, bursitis, Osteochondrosis, habitüel dislocation, hemarthrosis. Successors.


  • diseases of the ear, nose and throat:
    Nasal septum hematoma aerosinusitis, Adenoid, tonsillitis, Eustachian tube, nasal septum, curvature, tonsils had, a maze of chronic laryngitis, laryngitis, nosebleed, hypertrophy, Meniere disease, runny nose (rhinitis), mastoidit, cochlear nevrit, Grapevine CHP (bad smelling runny nose), otitis, acute sinusitis, Otosclerosis, nose otomikoz, sinusitis, chronic sinusitis, polipleri, sinusitis, pharyngitis, tonsillitis for, boil the nose vestibül ethmoiditis,.


  • Eye diseases
    Optic atrophy, blepharitis, granulomatous, day blindness (night blindness), glaucoma, cataracts, keratitis, iritis, congestive optical disc, optical retinal artery occlusion, conjunctivitis, retinal vein nörit, power plant, power plant, trachoma, uveitis, anterior scleritis, episklerit retinit, corneal ulcers and barley.


  • mouth and dental Disorders
    Dry mouth, tooth Abscess, alveolit admaxillary, periodontal disease, osteomyelitis, Leukoplakia, çenelerin, periodontal disease, apical periodontitis, pulpitisler perikoronarit, after joint disease, arthritis, temporomandibular, aphthous, gingivitis, bleeding, Glossitis, stomatitis, drug induced glossalgiya, chronic recurrent ankylosis jaw cysts, stomatitis, stomatitis, heilit microbial.


  • internal organs (liver, gall bladder, pancreas, stomach, intestines, heart, lung, kidney disease, women's and men's sexual organs, etc.), there are many diseases Resource:




leech therapy in the treatment of eye diseases are being used successfully, is almost impossible to remember at the beginning of the patient's dots. Leech anaemia, blood thinners are not the problem, the lack of a disease and prevent drug use in an active pıhtılaşmaya bleeding, lack of focus. In addition to the pregnant and nursing mothers, uncontrolled diabetes disease or heart failure in the treatment of a patient with leeches are used that are not applied. certainly, the leech to another without the destruction of the patient. So that the blood borne diseases are provided a secure treatment blocked migration

Leech therapy artery and vein, varicose veins, the circulatory system disease including blockages üzerebirçok iltihapsızromatizmalar, impotence, sexual power of inflammatory and raising the conditions of the reproductive organ of the domain (afyodizyak), and infertility, epilepsy, stroke, partial paralysis, yumuşakdoku romatizmalarında variants, psoriasis, eczema, hemorrhoids, you look like cilthastalıklarında tansiyonu (glaucoma) and connected to it, and all sorts of headaches görmekayıplarında migrende, high blood pressure, thyroid, hormonal disorders, and obesity, obesity ebağlı pimples, pus, asthma and bronchial diseases incidence, slow to heal the scars, Burns, Meniere Disease gangrene and some işitmekayıplarında yaralarve surgery being used successfully. In addition, in the context of the surgery, Orthopaedics veRekonstrüktif all over the world in developing a broken organtamirlerinde gangrene widely. Due to the impact of the Recent olaraksülüğün powerful antioxidant in medicine need to mention that the saver (Preventif); dakullanımından over the years, he made a so far over the years, including many infections SülükTedavisi hastalığakarşı protective effect.
What happens if I use the leech? * that * the * Sterile
Sterilize it, people grabbing the possibility of inadvertently sülükleri kullanmalarıbilinen and unknown infections risktaşımaktadır.
* Can also be used in a patient with leeches, another patient used? *
A patient should be destroyed absolutely another hastadakullanılmadan used leeches. Thus, through the transition to a safe treatment are blocked, blood bulaşanhastalıkların Leeches on first use, they produce the same effect are to be rendered in the medical field salgıyı boşalttıklarından ikinciuygulamada. first clinic about 2,500 years Sülüklerin öncekurulmuştur … Micro-surgery, plastic surgery, the Treatment that I put a little work and this is a small spineless animal edilecekbölgede ısırıkla kirlikanı he then provides the body's blood circulation. Micro-surgery, and the use of these animals is especially dominant plastikcerrahide cerrahiuzmanlarınca "* MINERAL *" are portrayed as micro-. * name * LIVE Brits Sülüğe: PHARMACY takmışlardır …
* The * Modern medicine as practiced In usage: Hirudo medicinalis postoperative venous konjesyon Hirudomedicinalis. * for * the * standard treatment olarakkullanılmaktadır. Venous surgery as temporarily perfusion level because konjesyon düzeltilemiyorsaHirudo medicinalis increase and is used to provide Oral and in physiological necessity kanlıdoku. cerrahların leech use bilgiliolmaları interview is required. Because they both traumatic for the treatment of small, but very important role in both yapılankitlelerin. Sülüklerözellikle plastic got then mikrosirkülasyonu düzelttiğindenyararlı effects. (Hirudin and factor Xa beautifulnightmare.) after restenozu anjioplastiden (TA) from yöntemlerbulmak Transluminal. made for Hirudo medicinalis's just normal farajuygulamaya experiment, by restenozu rather reduces was observed. Smooth muscle cell effectively IN den sonraintimada hiperplazisini engelleyereketki.
Antibiotic prophylaxis: * Antibiotic prophylaxis treatment * has not been applied, as long as 20%, from Aeromonas sülüklerin kullanıldığıhastaların (Aeromonas veronii biovar sobria) caused by infections. Sülüklerin endosimbiyotikbakterileri; Aeromonas hydrophila, Ochnobacter anthropi, formations, Acinetobacter lwotti mayalanmayangram (-) and Aeromonas bacteria isolated sobria. all standard disk diffüzyon testiuygulanmış and human; ciprofloxacin, gentamicin and TMP-SMX sefotaksim, seftazidim, as sensitive to. Other types of bacteria that is appropriate for the Leeches Aeromonasve antibiyotikprofilaksisi leech therapy in patients who require carriers. among the population, such as hypertension, hematoma, Plasmodium berghei nedenlerlekullanılan Hirudo medicinalis's headaches, especially malaria endemic, and from there to the transaction as yibulaştırabildiği poses can be dangerous in terms of the use of the enfeksiyonunyayılması veepidemik identified.
Hirudo medicinalis * mechanism * Hirudin, resulting from a strong trombininhibitörüdür. Hirudin and some pretty strong compared to the medicine in the area of hirudin sıkçakullanılan heparine. Physicochemical and clinical trials as well as the anticoagulant belirliavantajlarının hirudine intensive systems of various recombinant, important amounts of hirudin talepnedeniyle biyolojikolarak active bacteria, fungi, and to achieve a more developed using yüksekökaryotlar. Hirudin trombin with special by thrombus olşumunu olaraketkileşimde. Other than the superior Diagnostic amaçlariçin, hirudin antikoagülanlardan. Because of the minimal amount of blood components and cellular mineral, proteins. That's the tube containing blood sample (UBT) rekombine hirudin Hirudo medicinalis saratinin, Von Willebrand geliştirilmeyeçalışılmaktadır. tükrüğünden isolated kollajene prevents of Factor. Hirudo medicinalis salivary secretion kallikrein inhibitor therapeutic potansiyeliolabilir. Antithrombotic. average blood volume 2 of A Hirudo medicinalis emdiği. 45 ml. after the departure of the first 2 hours, 2.21 and Sülüğün first 4 hours 2.50 will Leech ısırığının 1.6 cm diameter mlpasif bleeding in a circular would be shortly after the increase in the same field çevresindeyüzey perfusion normal ciltrengine. Leech, leech sale, sülükle treatment, hirudotherapy, manisa, leech, sülü, leech therapy, leech satıi, leech, suat sülüklerle Jean, sua

hirudotherapy depends on just that.

ıp award are the brave, Dr.

Leech therapy brought the prize

For the first time in Germany, a Turkish-German Dr. Christoph Wilhelm Hufeland Consult medicine Was given to the Germany in commemoration of the Prestigious Award of alternative medicine

Tıp ödülü Dr. Cesur'a veriliyor

HAlman, Dr. Christoph Wilhelm Hufeland? in Memorial Award of the prestigious alternative medicine provided Germany?? Hufeland-Holzschuh? first so far a Turkish city on Sunday, Kongresshaus Baden-Baden consult?? n ceremony Hall düzenlen.

Zara in Sivas? district was Dr. Free bold, 8 years old Germany come to the doctor that his early dream? or successfully graduated in 2008. Essen Kliniken Mitte? obstetric section serves as an Assistant doctor, compiled by Dr. precaution against diseases, Brave new treatment methods to develop successful work for the prize.
Arthrosis, joint pain treatment method against Germany in sülükle? first so far, proving the scientific work of the Foundation, Dr. Hufeland Brave, alternative medicine, organized public Vakfıyla Holzschuh.

Germany Baden-Baden in the ceremony of the tourist?, Dr. Free Bold? un 's mother, father, sister Gülizar Freedom Ali Riza, his brother and friends, participated in the Revolution. The brave family other young people living in Europe, the reward? signature successful efforts would encourage them to expression said they were very happy by. Speaking DHA told Dr. provides useful Dashing sülüğün painkillers at and antibiotics.

Award ceremony speaking Hufeland Foundation President Dr. Rainer Schmidt, Karl-Hans Peter Wood, the head of Hilde, Holzschuhe Foundation Prize of the jury by the year 2010, alternative medicine, Dr. is located in the Hall of the brave decision to be Free? a? in the presence of close to 50 physicians. Award ceremony praise of Dr. Cesuru narration that identifies Kliniken Mitte Director Dr. Jost Langhorst, offering Essen. Dr. Langhorst speech ? Different Dr. Daring European cultures compliance touted as an award-winning examples of akedemisyen?. Dr. Lang-

Horst Dr. Brave? un community helpful services and school career success, the Foundation awards the prize by the heads of the certificate, run the euro introduced Dr.? a Given Prize was presented, the happiness of the brave. expression eden the Dr. Brave forward -other studies research on doing the work of the award ceremony, then the projection of the notation made with leech duyurdu.dr.cesur. at the end of the Ceremony, Dr. Brave? u greeting behavioral treatments given by the ceremonial reception. information about Charities. (Born News Agency) 46 minutes ago. [2346892]

Source: hurriyet.


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sülük tedavisi


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SÜLÜKNESİ 05357616067



hastalıklar metabolik tedaviENDİKASYONLARI: 1. obezite. 2. gut. 3. diyatezi. hastalıkları gastroenteroloji tedavi ENDİKASYONLARI: 1. kabızlık. 2. kolesistit. 3. yolu boşaltım diskinezi safra-. 4. safra taşı hastalığı. 5. hepatosis. 6. kolit. 7. pankreatit.kadın hastalıkları tedavisiENDİKASYONLARI: 1. enflamatuvar pelvik: endo-, para-perimetrity, salpingoophoritis. 2. adenomyozis. 3. endometriozis. 4. yumurtalık kistleri. 5. site) rahim ve submüköz lokalizasyonu myomlar (. 6. damarlar varis pelvik. 7. klimakterik sendromu. 8. over disfonksiyonu. 9. kısırlık. 10. yapışıklıklar. 11. amenore. 12. algomenorrhea. 13. dönemde postoperatif. 14. habitüel) düşük (ASF ... sistem kas-iskelet sistemi hastalıklarının tedavisinde ENDİKASYONLARI: 1. artroz. 2. osteochondrosis. 3. ile kemik ve eklem lezyonları, travmahastalıklar cilt tedaviENDİKASYONLARI: 1. sedef. 2. nörodermatit. 3. egzama. 4. sivilce. 5. furunculosis. 6. izleri. hastalıkları KBB tedavi ENDİKASYONLARI: 1. sinüzit. 2. Ön. 3. ethmoiditis. 4. sinir işitsel nörit.bozuklukları nörolojik tedaviENDİKASYONLARI: 1. ensefalopati: venöz dolaşım toksik 2. intrakranial hipertansiyon. 3. migren. 4. nörit. 5. radikülit. 6. disk hernisi. 7. polinöropati. 8. epilepsi. 9. otonomik disfonksiyon. 10. nevroz. 11. uykusuzluk. 12. baş ağrısı. 13. vertigo. 14. nevralji. hastalıkların romatizmal tedavi ENDİKASYONLARI: 1. romatizma. 2. romatoid artrit. 3. skleroderma. 4. periarteriity.hastalıklar kardiyovasküler tedaviENDİKASYONLARI:1.gipertonicheskaya hastalığı. 2.IBS. 3.kardioskleroz. 4.ateroskleroz. 5.tromboflebit. 6.varikoznoe damarları. 7.zabolevaniya periferik arter. 8.gemorroy. 9.neyro-dolaşım distoni. Urologicals

SÜL Sülük satışı sülük tedavisi anlatılır yardım edilir

A TANESİ 05357616067

ENDİKASYONLARI: 1. prostatit. 2. BPH. 3. ürolitiyazis.bozukluklar endokrin tedaviENDİKASYONLARI: 1. bezinin tiroid kist. 2. diyabet. 3.obezite.


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